
Renewing innovation systems in agriculture and food: How to go towards more sustainability?

Autoría: Coudel, E., Devautour, H., Soulard, C.T., Faure, G. y Hubert, B.
Citación: Coudel, E., Devautour, H., Soulard, C.T., Faure, G. y Hubert, B. (edit.). (2013). Renewing innovation systems in agriculture and food: How to go towards more sustainability? Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Takes the debate beyond the purely technical options and considers social and institutional innovations as well
Demonstrates that innovation is the result of a confrontation between visions of actors who often have divergent interests
Shows there is no single path towards sustainable development and we must find ways to encourage the emergence and co-existence of different types of agriculture and food systems