Artículo de revista académica

Rural Extension and Advisory Services: New Directions

Autoría: Alex, G., Zijp, W. y Byerlee, D.
Citación: Alex, G., Zijp, W. y Byerlee, D. (2002). Rural Extension and Advisory Services: New Directions. Washington DC, USA: World Bank. Recuperado de:

"This study is prepared as an input for the preparation of a new Vision-to-Action Strategy for World Bank support to rural development. The paper explores issues and options relating to support for agricultural extension and rural information services needed to support rural development efforts. It reviews past experience with extension investments, current trends, and issues important to future financing for agricultural extension and rural information services. Two important issues include: the public sector must continue to finance public goods extension and information services; and situation specific strategies are needed to define extension agendas. An agenda is provided for future Bank lending which recommends avoiding errors of the past while keeping extension on the agenda, funding new investments, developing new financing mechanisms, and maintaining Bank leadership. "

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