Capítulo de libro

The social construction of bibliometric evaluation

Autoría: Gläser, J. y Laudel, G.
Citación: Gläser, J. y Laudel, G. (2007). The social construction of bibliometric evaluation. En Whitley, R. y Gläser, J. (eds.), The changing governance of the sciences. The Advent of Research Evaluation Systems. Springer, Netherlands. DOI. 10.1007/978-1-4020-6746-4_5

"While national systems of research evaluation vary in many dimensions, they all need to rely on very few methods of evaluating research performance. These methods constitute a crucial interface between the science system and science policy through which information about research is translated into strategic knowledge for policy decisions. They therefore merit specific attention."

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6746-4_5
