
How to select instruments for the resolution of environmental conflicts?
Autoría: Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F., y Klauer, B.
The Place of Researchbased Evidence in Policymaking
Autoría: Arnold, E., Kolarz, P., Pickles, A. y Romanainen, J.
Ten years of research and innovation for social inclusion in the Uruguayan public University: Policy lessons learned
Autoría: Sutz, J., Tomassini, C., Zeballos, C., Goñi Mazzitelli, M. y Rodales, M.
Making technological innovation work for sustainable development
Autoría: Diaz Anadon, L., Chan, G, Harley, A. G., Matus, K., Moon, S., Murthy, S. L. y Clark, W. C.